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When is air duct cleaning recommended?

When is air duct cleaning recommended?

  • In certain situations, air duct cleaning is advised by the EPA. According to its site, you should consider professional air duct cleaning services if you see any of the following dangers:

  • Visible mould inside your air ducts or on other components of your cooling and heating systems.

  • Evidence of rodents or insects inside your air ducts.

  • Partially or completely clogged air ducts, filled with excessive amounts of dust and debris.

  • Dust and debris released into your home through the supply registers.

  • These air pollution dangers certainly do need to be remedied with a professional cleaning, perhaps without the follow-up chemical sprays, and the larger issue is discovering and remedying the cause of mould and mildew.

  • Broken ducts resulting in water seepage need to be replaced to eliminate the cause of mould or mildew that can make you and your family sick.

  • The EPA says that it is normal for return registers to get dusty because it is pulling dust-laden air through the grates on a regular basis.

  • Dusty registers are not always an indicator that your entire air duct system needs cleaning. Simply vacuum — or remove and clean — your return registers at this time of year to improve your indoor air quality, cut down on allergens and provide a better appearance on these visible facets of your rooms.

courtesy: Gulf news / EPA